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Sessile oak

  • Determined people
  • Who is always there

The sessile oak is a large deciduous tree, widespread in several areas of the world, known for its grandiosity and longevity.

Scientific name: Quercus petraea
Common name: Sessile oak
It belongs to the Fagaceae family, which we commonly call oaks. It grows a massive trunk and a very spread crown. In spring, it is filled with leaves of an intense green color, which turn a red-brown in autumn. The sessile oak is a sturdy and resilient plant, able to survive in a variety of climates and soils, and can reach a height of more than 100 feet. Because of its grandness, the oak is often planted in parks, gardens and forests. It is not only beautiful to look at, but also has great ecological importance, as it provides a habitat for various animal species.

Some species of moths and beetles lay their eggs inside galls, which are spherical or elongated growths that develop on leaves or tree branches in response to insect or fungi attack.

It is valued for its strong and durable wood, used for furniture, flooring, wine and beer barrels, and more.

( from 32,00  )

What makes it unique

7.00 Kg

of CO2 captured over a year

40 meters

reachable height

800 years

maximum life expectancy

Forests where you can grow your own Sessile oak, adopting or giving it away.

Bosco Limite
Carmignano di Brenta (PD)
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