Wild pear
Animal lovers
Lovers of good things
Who is always there
It's a small tree but with large white flowers. It is a wild species, common throughout the Italian peninsula, which is also well adapted to arid and dry conditions. The hard, compact wood was once used for making rulers and squares, while today it is still used to make musical instruments. Perfect for people who are precise, but creative.
Scientific name: Pyrus pyraster
Common name: Wild pear
It is a member of the Rosaceae family. It can grow to a shrubby form and stretch up to 4 meters, but under optimal conditions it can reach the arboreal stage and grow to 20 meters. The branches become thorny at the apex. The leaves are deciduous, oval-shaped with serrated margins. The flowers are white and bloom in mid-spring. The pears it produces are elongated but small, with yellow to dark brown skin.
In China the pear tree is a symbol of justice, longevity, purity, wisdom and good stewardship. In contrast, the snow-white flowers of the pear tree are a symbol of mourning, both because of the white color of the petals-which is a funeral color in China-and their abrupt passing, which becomes a metaphor for sadness, coldness and death. In Korea, the pear personifies grace, nobility and purity; while the pear tree represents comfort and affluence. There are a variety of legends that tell how the pear is able to bestow fertility on women, good luck in examinations, wisdom and health.
The pear is a quintessential fall fruit, but you can also find it in summer or winter, thanks to the many existing varieties. Rich in fiber and antioxidants, the pear is satiating and counteracts cholesterol. If you are a lover of homemade desserts, we recommend a nice pear tart.
What makes it unique
of CO2 captured over a year
reachable height
maximum life expectancy
Forests where you can grow your own Wild pear, adopting or giving it away.

Bosco dei Sette Cieli

Bosco di Villa Roberti