Questlab S.r.l. has been operating in the field of economic and social research for 20 years. It has consolidated experience in managing surveys using different methods: phon calls, online surveys, social media polls and vis-a-vis interviews). It designs and develops systems and applications dedicated to data collection and analysis.
From mid-December to early January, on behalf of the European LIFE PrepAIR project, Questlab will conduct the second #VALUTALARIA survey on citizens’ perceptions of air quality in the Po River Basin. Participating in the initiative and filling out the questionnaire is a contribution to improve the environment: for each questionnaire received, a contribution will be given for planting 50 trees in the South Adda Park. The questionnaire targets citizens in Emilia-Romagna, Piedmont, Lombardy, Veneto, Trentino, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Valle d’Aosta. It aims to assess citizens’ level of perception and awareness of air pollution and behaviors to improve the situation.
Questlab has supported WOWnature since 2019, with the adoption of 350 trees in Val di Fiemme. An achievement possible thanks to responsible initiatives associated with surveys on citizens’ perception of air quality in the Po Valley Basin and on awareness of the “Qualità Trentino” Seal.