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Nature and sporties

September 27 is World Tourism Day. An occasion dedicated to the value of the tourism sector and its contributions on the social, cultural, economic, and even political level of each country. For us at WOWnature, tourism is a journey, an exchange, an adventure to discover new places.

Nature and sporties


Bringing balance between people and nature is one of the pillars on which WOWnature rests, by now it is no mystery. The feeling of freedom, serenity and peace we experience outdoors is unparalleled, but it increases even more when we play sports: whether it is walking, meditating, running or climbing, moving in nature makes the experience more exciting.

Athletes who have chosen to combine their passion with concrete action know this well: taking care of the places they love, leaving the Earth better than they found it. We are talking about young people who have initiated two projects to raise awareness about the climate crisis, emphasizing the importance of reforestation.



Thimoty and Claudio are two hiking enthusiasts and nature lovers. They became friends on the first day of the French Way to Santiago, which they started in 2019. Since then, they have walked together rediscovering remote lands, appreciated thanks to the pace of the walk. Indeed, moving on foot focuses our attention on details we would not know how to see otherwise. The perspective with which one admires the landscape is unique, personal and unrepeatable, because we will never again be in the same place at the same time.
With this spirit, they started the Tree-kking project, combining their endless walks with a concrete commitment to the planet. The two walkers dedicated much of the summer to taking a special route: from Faro, the southern tip of Portugal, to Santiago de Compostela. In fact, they went further, reaching Finisterre. They walked more than 1,200 kilometers with an ambitious goal of planting 1 tree for every kilometer they walked through crowdfunding open to all. For their part, they kept their promise and finished the walk, but there is still time for you to support them. In fact, if they reach their goal, we at WOWnature will add another 100 trees to your 1200. 


Cycling for trees


You don’t just walk in nature, but the more adventurous cross it on two wheels. This is the case of Ettore, a 29-year-old from Brescia who is passionate about cycle travel and always looking for challenges.
This project is perhaps his greatest challenge: in a few days he will embark on a bike trip from Brescia heading west, crossing the Alps and entering France, then descending to the Spanish coast, bypassing the Pyrenees and heading there toward his final destination: Morocco. His project, Cycling for trees, will also serve to support a fundraising campaign, through which part of the growth of a new forest in Lombardy will be financed, which will soon be covered on WOWnature.

The need to do something for the Planet and motivate others to take the same path unite both projects, which we are happy to support. Keep reading our updates to stay up to date!Soon we will be planting the forests born from Timothy, Claudio and Hector’s efforts.


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