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Pianta un albero a Parco Oglio Nord con WOWnature_21 ottobre_ENG

Tree planting event in Parco Oglio Nord, Saturday October 21

If you love nature and want to make a difference, mark this date in your calendar: on 21 October, at 10.45 a.m., we are waiting for you in Villachiara, in the province of Brescia, for the reforestation event at Parco Oglio Nord.

Adopt a tree and support nature

To take part in the event, adopt a tree in the Parco Oglio Nord area. 

Choose from the numerous species available and then confirm your participation by filling in the registration form.

Bring your friends and family to experience an unforgettable day in nature together.

Parco Oglio Nord: an ecological treasure to preserve


The Parco Oglio Nord extends along the river of the same name, from the enchanting Lake Iseo to the River Mella, its tributary. Despite the transformations linked to land reclamation and intensive agriculture, the area still preserves environments of inestimable ecological value. It is home to eight Natura 2000 sites, including willow groves and wetlands vital to the rich fauna that populates it.

Bird-watchers will find their paradise here, with species such as the cormorant, grey heron, mallard, crane and night heron. But that’s not all: the park is also a paradise for cycling enthusiasts, thanks to the popular Oglio River Cycle Route, which links cycle paths to destinations all over Europe.

A concrete commitment to biodiversity


In recent years, the need for action to protect the Park’s biodiversity and health has emerged. In the areas of intervention at the Bosco della Marisca Nature Reserve, in the municipalities of Genivolta and Villachiara, critical issues have emerged: intense atmospheric events have caused considerable damage to the forest cover, in addition to the presence of non-native and pest species, which have altered the natural balance.

Therefore, a forest improvement program is planned that promotes native species by planting as many as 10,000 new trees to expand and strengthen the existing forest. And you can be part of this important step forward.

A project supported by the whole community


This project is co-funded by the Lombardy Region’s “Biodiversity and Climate” (BioClima) call for proposals and supported by Fondazione Cariplo. Bioclima is an initiative created in the framework of the Lombardy Plan and the LIFE GESTIRE 2020 project that aims to create public-private financing models to catalyze investments in biodiversity conservation and climate change adaptation projects in Lombardy’s forests and protected areas.

Join us on 21 October and leave a green mark in the heart of Parco Oglio Nord!


Don’t miss the opportunity to contribute to a greener, sustainable future for all. Adopt a tree and participate in the reforestation event on 21 October in Villachiara, Brescia. Together we can make a difference and preserve this green jewel for future generations.


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