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The tallest trees on Earth

Trees reach record-breaking sizes. But which ones are the tallest in the world? They are found in Yellowstone Park, California. The tallest of all is called Hyperion. Find out how tall it is.

You know when friends are chatting and that sort of pissing contest starts to impress others? Here, we want to give you some conversation topics to become the most interesting person in the room, without telling lies. Today, let’s talk about the tallest trees in the world.

Record-breaking trees


The records that trees manage to achieve are really crazy. Whether it’s age, size, height, girth, these are numbers we sometimes even have a hard time imagining. We don’t want to keep you too much on your toes. The tallest trees in the world are the California redwoods, technically called sequoia sempervirens.

Hyperion, the tallest tree on Earth

There are two redwood species that have different characteristics, but the California redwoods in terms of height really are unparalleled. We went to Redwood National Park to admire them.

The tallest tree in the world is called Hyperion and is a California redwood that was discovered in 2006 and identified as the tallest tree in the world think it measures a whopping 115 meters tall. Let’s find out some interesting facts about the world’s tallest trees.


California redwood: characteristics 

California redwoods have some truly impressive characteristics.

1. They are among the longest-lived species in the world. They can live to be over 2,000 years old.

2. They live in areas characterized by heavy seasonal rainfall, which then alternates between very wet periods and periods with little precipitation. But how then do they survive during periods with less rain? The answer lies in what is known as fog grip, which is that phenomenon whereby the water droplets in the fog
adhere to the leaves of the tree by joining together to form larger droplets that then fall to the ground by wetting it.


California redwoods: fun facts


Studies have estimated that in California redwood forests, up to more than 30 percent of the water comes precisely from the fog grip phenomenon, which also benefits other species that live alongside California redwoods.

3. These trees not only drink the water they get from the fog from their roots, but they even manage to absorb it through their bark and leaves. This seems to be why they are able to grow so tall. If they only drank from the roots, as all other trees do, they would not be able to send the water so high and thus fight the force of gravity.


4. Another amazing curiosity is that this tree has adapted to the recurring presence of fire. In fact, the California redwood has developed a bark that is thick and fibrous and therefore very resistant to fire.


5. The fifth amazing feature of redwoods is high in their canopy is a world unto itself. They are such large and ancient trees that other plants, even other trees and animals, such as small salamanders, live in their canopies. These can go their entire lives without ever touching the ground.


Redwoods are endangered species 


California’s redwoods are in danger. The latest assessment by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) was conducted in 2011 and does not have very good news. In fact, it classifies California redwoods as endangered and estimates a decline in their population. The reason for this decline is mainly attributable to threatened
resource use, namely the cutting down of trees of this species.


Once again this is a story that should teach us how important it is to manage forests responsibly, balancing the needs of humans with the integrity and health of ecosystems.


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