Updates from the Torbiere del Sebino | October 2024 | 4,500 trees planted
How are the seedlings doing?
In the protected area of the Torbiere del Sebino, the most significant wetland in the province of Brescia, we have completed the planting of over 4500 trees between 2023 and autumn 2024. This area, with its reed beds and bodies of water, is a valuable habitat for numerous rare species and has been declared a ‘wetland of international importance’ according to the Ramsar Convention, a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and a Special Protection Area (SPA) within the Natura 2000 Network.
With the support of citizens and companies, we are creating natural green barriers and restoring wetlands. We have planted various species, including alders and willows in the most marshy areas, while oaks, ash trees, and shrubs (such as dogwood and privet) create a protective belt around the area. Our aim is not only to preserve biodiversity, but also to improve the wintering and breeding conditions for many species of birds, reptiles and amphibians that find refuge here.
Thanks to constant maintenance and favourable environmental conditions, the new seedlings are growing luxuriantly and helping to rejuvenate the ecosystem.
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