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The forests we created and improved

Tiny Forest Milano

Cernusco sul Naviglio (MI)

Urban forests are the future of cities. Just outside Milan, we want to renew a blighted area with new native trees organized into tiny forests. The plants will serve to improve the soil, reduce air and noise pollution, and contrast the heat.

Urban forests play an essential role in improving the quality of life in cities. Not only do they provide green spaces for relaxation and recreation, but they also help purify the air, reduce noise pollution, regulate the climate and support biodiversity. They help mitigate the negative effects of urbanization, promoting a healthier and more sustainable environment for present and future generations.


In Cernusco sul Naviglio, outside the M2 (green) stop Villa Fiorita, we want to give birth to a new urban forest. It will consist of two tiny forests, a real forest and a shrub forest.


Tiny forests are literally small forest  that can find space also in the middle of cities. It is a planting method to maximize and accelerate the growth of trees in confined spaces, such as small green areas in the city. Different species are planted very close together to regenerate degraded land. Competing for light, the saplings grow rapidly. They are great because they help improve air quality, cool the environment, attract local wildlife, and provide us with a natural space to relax and regenerate, right on our doorstep.

Se sei un’azienda e desideri prendere parte alla creazione della Tiny Forest di Milano, inviaci un messaggio per entrare in contatto con noi. Entra nella sezione del sito dedicata alle aziende, e scorri in basso compilando il modulo di contatto e specificando in tuo interesse su questo progetto. Ti ricontatteremo al più presto!


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Cernusco sul Naviglio, il 2 dicembre, ospiterà il primo evento dedicato alla forestazione urbana lanciato da Uforest.


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Questo intervento di forestazione urbana rientra nel progetto Uforest, finanziato con il supporto della Commissione Europea e promosso da Ersaf e Etifor.
Il progetto Uforest mira a promuovere la capacità di innovazione dell’Europa tra università, città e imprese per realizzare un nuovo approccio alla forestazione urbana.​

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