Associazione Be Happy
BeHappy is an amateur yoga association born at the end of 2018, from the desire of three friends with a common passion for yoga, nature, and wellness. They want to share and spread their interests and their lifestyle. The BeHappy association has always been by our side since the birth of WOWnature, organizing together outdoor yoga events to support several reforestation projects. We recall the urban forests of the PadovaO2 project, but also the forests of Livinallongo del Col di Lana, destroyed by storm Vaia in October 2018.
Yoga in nature and in urban parks are useful for connecting with natural elements, meditating, relaxing and focusing. In fact, staying in nature brings numerous benefits to the body and mind, allowing us to improve the bond between us and our surroundings. In 2021, the association BeHappy decided to support the birth and growth of a new forest: Bosco Fontaniva, included within Parco Fiume Brenta, a broader initiative to requalify the Brenta river, co-funded by European funds from the LIFE Program.
BeHappy supports Bosco Fontaniva to share its the values, the same of WOWnature: giving back to nature what it gives us every day, and countering the effects of the climate crisis by adopting trees. In fact, over the years, they will be able to absorb CO2, providing healthier and cleaner air.