Banca Alpi Marittime
Banca Alpi Marittime, founded on June 4, 1899 under the name “Cassa Rurale di depositi e prestiti di Carrù,” is headquartered in the ancient medieval castle of Carrù erected around the year 1000. The Carruccese cooperative credit currently operates in the territory through a total of 23 branches including two branch offices in Turin and Loano, covering a total area of 159 municipalities: 124 in the province of Cuneo, 22 in the province of Turin and 13 in the province of Savona. But the most important figure for a cooperative credit union, with firm historical roots and at the same time with an eye always turned to the present and the future, is represented by the number of members, which for BAM, in the period 2007-2023, rose from just over 4,000 to over 17,500.
Banca Alpi Marittime has always been at the forefront and will continue to be on the issue of environmental sustainability. “Seven Birches Used and Thirty Birches Adopted” is an initiative born two years ago, during the construction of the Turin Info Bam at the Aldo Moro complex. The entire design, by the architect Luisella Dutto from Cuneo, was intended to be green and sustainable through wooden furniture. As opposed to seven birch trees used for the construction of the furniture, Banca Alpi Marittime decided to adopt 30 birch trees. By planting 30 birch trees in Val di Fiemme, Banca Alpi Marittime wants to make a concrete action to protect the soil and biodiversity of our planet.