
Verde Vera

Verde Vera Eco Bio is a line of cosmetics developed by Aspiag, designed for the well-being of the skin and harnessing the valuable properties of the natural ingredients in them. The products undergo the rigorous standards of AIAB certification, which guarantees the absence of unwanted substances and compliance with organic standards for raw materials from organic farming. In addition to care in product formulation, Verde Vera also pays attention to packaging composition, preferring to use recycled plastic wherever possible.

With Verde Vera we bring our support to reforestation projects in northern Italy. We do this because one of the most effective strategies to mitigate the effects of the climate crisis is to support the growth of new trees. Woods and forests are not only the lungs of our planet, they provide essential benefits to ecosystems. Planting trees means maintaining valuable habitats for biodiversity, preventing erosion and hydrogeological disruption, provide clean water, and counter air pollution. Therefore, Verde Vera is committed to WOWnature to support reforestation projects in Italy.

Supported areas

Val di Fiemme

Val di Fiemme (TN)

Parco Oglio Nord

Villachiara (BS)

Lago di Camazzole

Carmignano di Brenta (PD)

Po River Forests

Martignana di Po (CR)

Magnifica Comunità di Fiemme

Cavalese (TN)
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