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The forests we grow

Mezzaluna della Biodiversità

Arcugnano (VI)

Through regenerative agriculture practices, we want to safeguard biodiversity in the Veneto by creating a resilient ecosystem with sustainable water management and the promotion of a rich variety of plant and animal species.

In the Berici Hills, the Biodiversity Crescent is about to be born, with the aim of contributing directly to the preservation and enrichment of animal and plant species in the heart of the Veneto region. Here the majesty of nature blends with the wisdom of organic and regenerative agriculture, creating a mosaic of olive trees, vines and fruit trees in harmony with the nearby forest.


By adopting a tree in the Biodiversity Crescent, you will actively participate in creating an ecosystem where each plant is selected for its ability to contribute to the health of the soil and the prosperity of the entire system. In hilly areas like this, good water management is crucial because the slope of the land causes rainwater to scene downstream and be lost.. The idea of slowing down the flow of water downstream allows for better use of rainwater, making it available to plants for a longer period of time. This happens because of the strategic arrangement of the rows, which act as natural barriers, slowing down the water and allowing it to infiltrate the soil. In this way, water and nutrients are retained, improving soil fertility and moisture, essential factors for biodiversity.


Choosing trees that produce berries is strategic for supporting birds and other wildlife. Berries provide a valuable and often available food source for much of the year, attracting different species of birds, which can also feed on the insects that will naturally occur among the plants. This variety of natural food contributes to a balanced ecosystem, where predatory birds can help control insect populations, reducing the need for insecticides. This creates a natural cycle of life that benefits the entire ecosystem. Trees and plants that are not treated with synthetics attract more insects, which in turn attract birds and other predators, helping to maintain the natural balance of habitats. This project marks the importance of a holistic approach to environmental management, where water is conserved and used efficiently, organic matter enriches the soil, and biodiversity is promoted and sustained through agricultural practices that respect natural balances. Adopt a tree in the Biodiversity Crescent and leave a positive mark on the Berici Hills.

We are organizing the first event in this area. See you in the fall!

Scegli l'albero che preferisci
68 Kg CO2
  • Animal lovers
  • Lovers of good things
Beautiful, good and useful, the white oak is a species with many virtues.
32,00 €
27 Kg CO2
  • Determined people
  • Wisest people
Evergreen oak is typical of Mediterranean areas.
28,00 €
35 Kg CO2
  • Animal lovers
  • Who is always there
  • Wisest people
Its name is derived from "horn" and relates to the distinctive hardness of the wood.
19,00 €
15 Kg CO2
  • Determined people
  • Lovers of good things
Evergreen deciduous tree that grows mainly in the Mediterranean basin.
22,00 €
30 Kg CO2
  • Animal lovers
  • Lovers of good things
  • Who wants to say
Tree with a very ancient origin, dating as far back as the Bronze Age.
40,00 €
30 Kg CO2
  • Animal lovers
  • Lovers of good things
  • Who is always there
Wild species with hard, firm wood.
24,00 €
30 Kg CO2
  • Animal lovers
  • Lovers of good things
  • Who wants to say
It grows in forests and hedges in Europe and the Middle East.
24,00 €
12 Kg CO2
  • Lovers of good things
  • Trendiest people
  • Who wants to say
Shrub widespread all over the world, yet popular in Georgia and Armenia.
32,00 €
32 Kg CO2
  • Animal lovers
  • Determined people
  • Trendiest people
Thanks to its yellow-amber leaves it's spectacular during the fall season.
22,00 €
50 Kg CO2
  • Animal lovers
  • Determined people
  • Trendiest people
It is perfectly suited to both rural and urban environments.
22,00 €
50 Kg CO2
  • Determined people
  • Who is always there
It is an excellent windbreak, and its thick foliage provides plenty of shade.
24,00 €
15 Kg CO2
  • Animal lovers
  • Lovers of good things
  • Who is always there
Known as 'the heart plant,' it is highly valued for its heart-protective benefits.
18,00 €
9 Kg CO2
  • Animal lovers
  • Lovers of good things
It grows thirst-quenching fresh fruit similar to apples.
28,00 €
30 Kg CO2
  • Animal lovers
  • Lovers of good things
Perennial shrub that forms unbreakable hedges, a shelter for small mammals and birds.
28,00 €
11 Kg CO2
  • Determined people
  • Lovers of good things
Small shrub with intricate and throny branches. It saves us from soil and coastal erosion thanks to its roots.
20,00 €
10 Kg CO2
  • Animal lovers
  • Determined people
  • Wisest people
It produces berries extremely rich in vitamin C.
19,00 €
18 Kg CO2
  • Animal lovers
  • Trendiest people
Bushy shrub with a crooked stem and irregular crown.
19,00 €
30 Kg CO2
  • Animal lovers
  • Determined people
  • Trendiest people
A tree with incredible deep lilac blooms and fiery red berries.
22,00 €
9 Kg CO2
  • Lovers of good things
  • Trendiest people
  • Who wants to say
The mother of all roses, the most common wild species in Italy.
28,00 €
8 Kg CO2
  • Determined people
  • Lovers of good things
An evergreen shrub that grows in sunny, rocky places and produces the famous blue-purple berries.
28,00 €
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